Monday 23 March 2015

Day 10 - Standing Indian Mountain

Not everything about the hike has been roses so far. There are the little inconveniences, sure. No bathrooms, sore muscles, blisters, not much good food (except for my mom's homemade trail food at maildrops!). But the biggest problem I've faced so far is homesickness. It's just like the first couple weeks at college, I suppose. I got homesick then, too. It's funny out here, though. I wake up just before sunrise, hike all day, and everything is great. I feel great, I see great things, meet great people. It's in the evening, as I'm making dinner, that I start to feel it. The sun will be down soon, and then what? Sleep, I guess. The reality is that I have no close friends or family here, and while the opportunity is there to make friends (and I have), who knows if those friends will be hiking at your pace, or even if they'll be hiking next week? So it's a bit different than college homesickness. Concerned friends and family: do not worry! 95% of the time I am as happy as can be, believe me.
After entering North Carolina and camping in a rhododendron grove yesterday (a seriously cool spot), today I traversed Standing Indian Mountain, all 5,500 feet of it. It's amazing: other than a few dips in the high 3000s and one drop below 2000 (at the Nahantala River), the next 50 miles or so are above 4000 feet! In two days I'll be in Franklin. This time around, I promise to find time on a computer and send some pictures your way! Thank you all again for following my journey.
- Ted
6:34 p.m. 3/22/2015

Day 9 Photos Here!:

Day 10 Photos Here!:

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