Tuesday 24 March 2015

Day 11 - Mount Albert

Yesterday was a funny one, I don't know why. I thought about it and I think it was a bit of nerves from the project I will conduct in the fall. It's sort of like learning about a big final paper for a class on the first day of the semester. Except the stakes are much higher.
The LEEP Center gave me an amazing opportunity and I want more than anything to make the most of it. The truth is, I don't exactly know how my final LEEP project will go down. I have a semester's-worth of experience to gain from the trail first!
Anyway, today was much better than yesterday. I held a comfortable pace all day; I didn't feel rushed, but I didn't want to speed up either. Perfect. This morning I climbed another 5000 footer - Mount Albert. Despite being a bit shorter, Albert was noticeably more difficult than Standing Indian. There were some points that went straight up! The summit marked the 100 mile mark of the trail, which is awesome. Only 2092 to go!
I leapfrogged with a group of thru-hikers (Learning Curve, Tex, Tink, Tortuga, The Hare, and Bleagle) all day: they would pass me, then I'd pass them. Somehow we all managed to find the same spot for lunch! Tonight I'm camping overlooking Franklin, where I'll resupply tomorrow.
- Ted
5:12 p.m. 3/24/2015

Day 11 Photos Here!: http://tedatgwlt.blogspot.com/p/day-11.html

1 comment:

  1. Ted, I am loving your blog. I can hear your voice as I read it. Keep it up!
