Tuesday 17 March 2015

Day 4 - Blood Mountain & Neel's Gap

Today was my most difficult day yet, as I hiked 11.6 miles from Preaching Rock to Levelland Mountain. The hike included Blood Mountain, Georgia's highest peak, and according to fellow hiker Blue Onion, it's best view. The view was marvelous, but I gotta say I'm bushed, and very well may take a shorter day tomorrow.

I also resupplied for the first time at Neel's Gap, which has an outfitter. Unfortunately, I was a little apprehensive to spend much time there. I am no AT expert, and all of the staff were super knowledgeable, something that I should have embraced but instead feared. I got some stuff I needed and left within an hour. My pack was still 45 pounds. Ouch, and at this point it's my own fault! I hope I can be more open to people who want to help me in the future.

The next 4 days to Hiawassee will be spent further examining my weight situation. At camp this evening, I went through every last item in my pack and told myself why I needed it. If I didn't like the answer or have one, it went in the "fluff" bag. I'll tell you more about my fluff when it is sent home!

7:59 p.m. 3/17/2014

Day 4 Photos here!: http://tedatgwlt.blogspot.com/p/day-4.html


  1. Hope you got the rest you needed! It will get easier. Great job!!

  2. This is the section hiker couple from the hostel. We've found your blog and love reading about your progress. Wish we could be out there with you guys! Have fun and take care.
