Tuesday 12 May 2015

Day 59 - George Washington National Forest

Hello! Been a while. The last few days have been mostly businesslike with a few moments of real excitement.

The two crazy moments have both happened in the last 24 hours. Late yesterday, as I neared camp, the sky went from bright blue to grey and it was like someone turned out the lights in an instant. Then the thunder and lightning started, super loud claps. And then the rain (with some hail to boot!). Walking through it was a blast. It was the first late-afternoon 20 minute thunderstorm of the year. And it felt great after a hot day! The other moment just happened not more than a few hours ago. I was coming down Three Ridges Mountain at a pretty good pace when I was stopped in my tracks by another 4 foot long snake. But this one wasn't a Black Rat snake. It was a rattler, clear as day! I stopped just in the nick of time, and I backed up about 6 feet when he started to rattle. I watched him and snapped some pictures for about 15 minutes before knocking my poles together to get him off the trail. He slowly uncurled and took his time slithering to a new sunny spot maybe 8 inches from the path. It was almost like he understood what I wanted. I wasn't taking any chances, even with 8 inches, so I dashed by  as fast as I could. Never a dull moment!

But what's really been on my mind is my feet. They hurt! Luckily, I know why and I know how to fix it. After 850 miles, my shoes are plain worn out. They served me well, and now I know how much I can get out of them. But I sure am excited to get a new pair! I alleviated the original tendon pain by loosening my shoelaces, but that has caused my feet to slide around and get a new set of blisters. I'm within striking range of Waynesboro, however. In fact, from the cliff I'm at, I can see it! I'll be there tomorrow morning, get my new kicks and take a much needed zero day. I'm looking forward to breaking in the new shoes in Shenandoah National Park in just a few days! On to Waynesboro...

- Scribbles (aka Ted)

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