Thursday 28 May 2015

Day 75 - Boiling Springs

I only have a quick update today, as I've only done 12 miles (so far...). It's been so hot and humid these last few days. Even a thunderstorm at the end of yesterday hasn't killed the heat! I made it in to the little town of Boiling Springs at about noon today and I was just drenched in sweat. It was a huge relief to be able to rinse off in the stream here, which is fed by a ton of little ice-cold springs (seems like they messed up the name of the town, right?). I've spent the last 8 hours at the regional ATC office, hanging out on their front porch and eating food. My plan was to watch the hockey game tonight and then night hike out to beat the heat. But guess what?! The game's tomorrow! Good grief, I only found out about an hour ago and at first I thought my grand plan was ruined. Plan B it is: night hike now, still beat the heat, take a short day to Duncannon tomorrow and watch it then. Not a bad backup! Bpoiling Springs is in the Cumberland Valley, a big flat area filled with farms. In the 17 miles of trail that go through it (and I've only done 3), no camping is allowed as you are generally cutting through corn and wheat. So I'm pretty excited for least I won't miss any views!

Got my headlamp on. Night hike!

-Scribbles (aka Ted)
8:18 p.m. 5/28/2015

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